Below we present typical scenarios that we play in our field. They are only an example and are usually changed and varied. It is solely up to the players on which rules the game takes place. The company's employees serve only advice and experience.


This is the first and certainly the most popular forest type game scenario. The vast majority of forest games (scenarios) are modifications and developments of this game. 2 teams participate in the game (number of players is optional, but the more the better). Each team has its own flag (base). All participants should start the game at the same time (on an earlier agreed mark) in their bases. Hit players end the game and leave the battlefield. If the player carried the flag during the hit, he must leave it in the place where he was eliminated (in a visible place, not a meter under the ground). The player eliminated, i.e. hit by a ball, has no right to vote - he can not prompt, betray the position of the opponent, neither verbally nor gesticulating. The team that wins the opponent's flag wins and reports it to its base.


A game involving the rescue of a hostage. Two teams take part in the game. Terrorists kidnap the hostage, the second team (anti-terrorists) must rescue the hostage (untouched). The game takes about 10 minutes. If the rescue team does not manage to return the hostage, it loses. A hostage cannot move until he is touched by his "player". Until then, terrorists are not allowed to shoot the hostage. A hostage is saved if he is not touched back to his base.


Gra prosta jak Frytka i popularna jak Smoleńsk. Znaczy: bardzo. Jedną z najbardziej popularnych gier komputerowych przenosimy ze świata wirtualnego do świata rzeczywistego. Masz okazję wcielić się w terrorystów lub antyterrorystów i prowadzić zacięte pojedynki.
Kto wie może kiedy zostaniesz sam przeciwko trzech wrogom, zabijesz ich wszystkich ostatnią kulką i rozbroisz bombę w ostatniej sekundzie, zdobędziesz wieczną chwałę, cześć oraz pomnik.


The forces of the enemy will transport very important documents. We have a route plan and transport time. The task is to set up an ambush and then eliminate convoy protection and take charge.


Participants are divided into two teams. In the field, there will are three bases in which there are chess clocks. The team that will be able to gain the most time wins. In this scenario, cooperation and protecting each other is very important.


A good exercise of how to defend or attack flag positions. Two teams: attacker and defender. The defender chooses the area on which he will defend himself and marks it (the defenders are not allowed to go beyond the chosen area). Time is depending on the number of players, the type and size of the field. The attacker wins by winning the flag (it is enough to take it), the defender has to stop the attack.


One at all, all on one. The game includes hares and greyhounds. If someone takes up being a wild animal, it is certainly not without (even apparent) equal opportunities. That's why the bunny gets an unlimited number of balls (how much he raises). The rest of the Greyhounds have a limit of 20 balls. Rules similar to other games, the player who will run out of balls and get the hit comes off the game. Fun recommended at the end of the day when players are left with few balls.


Jeden graczy odkłada marker (prezydent). Pozostali gracze dzielą się na ochroniarzy i terrorystów. Ochrona powinna być liczniejsza. Misja ochroniarzy polega na bezpiecznym przeprowadzeniu prezydenta przez pole określoną wcześniej tras (wariant 1), lub z określonego punktu do drugiego (wariant 2). Misja terrorystów – wyeliminować prezydenta bez względu na straty własne.


W tym trybie mamy aż 5 flag do przejęcia. Drużyna, która przejmie je wszystkie, wygrywa. Jeżeli jednak upłynie 15 minut, wygrywa drużyna, które przejmie 3 flagi. Jeden gracz może nieść tylko jedną flagę. Kiedy uczestnik zostanie wyeliminowany puszcza flagę i przedostaję się do punktu odrodzenia. Misją drużyny jest zdobycie wszystkich flag, które musi umieścić w bazie, lub też zajęcie bazy przeciwnika tak, aby uniemożliwić mu odłożenie flagi. W scenariuszu liczy się gra zespołowa, konkretny podział obowiązków, a podstawą jest plan!


This scenario is mainly addressed to smaller groups. It's about finding out who is the best player in the group. With this game, you have to strain all the senses. The eyes around the head and finger on the trigger prepared for the shot is a must - Everyone is our enemy!


One of the most popular paintball scenarios. Players are divided into two rival teams. The team that will shoot the most opponents wins. In addition, this scenario can be extended by base-respawn, bringing back to life in the designated base.